Veronika Voloshyna

Basic Mediation Training, Corporate Dispute, Family Dispute, Criminal cases (restoration justice)

General info

Main Occupation: Other
Degree: M.A. in Linguistics and Teaching
Languages: Ukrainian, English, Russian
Location areas: on-line, Dnipropetrovsk oblast
Other specialization:
Conflict Transformation Trainer. AVP (Alternatives to Violence) Facilitator
Since 2011 I practice transformational approach to conflicts. I am confident that it is possible to solve hard issues of divorce, partition of property, custody, inheritance, use of common property, etc., in a civilized non-violent way, reaching for understanding and considering interests of all participants. Mediation attracts me to the fact that it’s a creative process and it helps develop personal responsibility, since the parties to the dispute make decisions independently, as a mediator my task is to direct the process towards mutual understanding and searching for different solutions to the problem, and also to help them check their solutions for reality.


Course name: Basic Mediation Training
Certificate by: Odessa Regional Mediation Group, Center for Mediation and Negotiation
Date: 07/16/2017
Number of hours: 90
Scan-copy of certificate:
Course name: Restorative Justice Basics, special course for mediators
Certificate by: Odessa Regional Mediation Group, Center for Mediation and Negotiation
Date: 09/23/2018
Number of hours: 24
Scan-copy of certificate:
This website has been updated as part of a project implemented by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Ukraine with financial support provided by the government of Finland. The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the Project Co-ordinator.